Surveying Qualifications & Accreditations

RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors)

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The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is a professional body that accredits professionals within the land, property, construction, and infrastructure sectors worldwide. Individuals holding the professional MRICS or FRICS designation are entitled to use the professional title designation "Chartered Surveyor" and variations such as "Chartered Building Surveyor" or "Chartered Quantity Surveyor", depending on their chosen specialist qualifications and field of expertise.

Through RICS' credential and professional standards, it creates confidence in markets and is known for effecting positive change in the built and natural environments.


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NES, NHER & SAVA offer

- Training and qualifications for social landlords and residential surveyors and valuers
- Accreditation schemes for residential surveyors
- Residential surveying software
- Consultancy, research and project management

NES - National Energy Services Building in Milton Keynes We are a team of software developers, environmental scientists, building services engineers, building physicists, business management specialists, statisticians and residential surveyors.

NES are based in Milton Keynes at the National Energy Centre, a building designed to high energy efficiency standards.

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Why Choose Us?

We Are Based in Bolton

20 Years Experience

Affordable Survey Prices

Expert Local Knowledge

Fully Accredited & Qualified

Independent Surveyors